Friday 17 July 2009

This is fun, sorry if I'm boring you, heck I might be the only person who ever reads this, but I don't mind, I'm just having a quiet evening in tonight. Maybe I'll have a glass of wine to end the evening. The weather has been atrocious this week, apparantly it's something to do with the jetstream being in the wrong place, it should be a lot further North, but it appears to be right over our heads. It feels so Autumnal, and it's still only July. I feel sorry for any holidaymakers we have down here at the moment, it is worrying as tourism is really the only industry we have here now.
Cornwall used to be a tin mining area, but they area all closed now, apparantly there is still plenty of tin underground, it's just that the price is so low at the moment it's not economically viable to mine. In Cornwall there is the world renowned Camborne School of Mines, it is without doubt something to be proud of. There is a saying hereabouts that if there is a hole in the ground, you'll find a Cornishman at the bottom.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of Cornish blogging.

    Give yourself some time, blogging comes slowly, but don't give up.

    Try and find an angle as well.

    Oll an gwella
